File Attributes
Assignment Attributes
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File Attributes

These are the attributes of a file requirement. They can be modified through either the web interface or the set command of the setsub program. Each entry gives the label used on the web page, and the name of the attribute used with the set command.

Web Page Label: Description Set Name: descr  
A text string displayed on the submission form to describe the file. Generally, this is left blank when the assignment requires only a single file. When several files are required, they are given descriptions to identify them.
Web Page Label: Endings Limited To Set Name: ending  
This indicates what file name extension or extensions submitted files must have. If no endings are specified, there is no restriction. If one or more is listed, the submitted file must have one of those. You may use setsub to specify multiple endings by separating them with the | character.
Web Page Label: File is Optional Set Name: optional  
A boolean telling whether the file is optional. Any submission will be rejected unless it includes all non-optional files. It also must specify at least one file, even if all are optional.
Web Page Label: Must Be Plain Text Set Name: text  
A boolean indicating that the file must contain text data. This is unrelated to the extension. After the file is received, the submit.cgi script will verify that the entire file contains text data. A text file contains only bytes in the range 9-13 or 32-126. The first group are ascii tab, line feed, vertical tab, form feed, and carriage return. The second are the printable characters, space through tilde.
Web Page Label: Size Limit Set Name: limit  
This is a limit on the size of files which may be submitted. It provides a sanity check and helps moderate the amount of disk space used by uploaded files.
Web Page Label: Rename As Set Name: rename  
This gives an alternate name for the file. If specified, uploaded files are stored under the alternate name, regardless of the name given by the student sending the file. This is useful to create some uniformity for instructors who wish to use scripts to compile or test the code.

Renaming is actually accomplished by creating a symbolic link with the new name, unless the original name is the same as the rename. When downloading individual files, you have a choice of simply downloading under either name. If you download a tar archive, it contains the file under its original name with the symbolic link giving the new name. If you download a zip archive, the files are actually stored under their new names. However, each submission is given an extra file NAME_TRANSLATION.TXT which records the name changes in a simple text format. Of course, if no rename is specified, none of this arises.